Friday, April 19, 2024

Intelligent Cascading Kit #7709003962

Global Protankless Supply carries the Bosch Intelligent Cascading Kit #7709003962 and is good for all Bosch Therm and Greentherm Models: T9800 SE, T9800 SEO, T9900 SE, T9900 SEi, C1210 ESC, C1210 ES, C1050 ES, C950 ES, 940 ES, 830 ES.

Cascading allows up to twenty four appliances to be connected in parallel. One of the appliances will serve as the controlling Primary appliance and will attempt to meet the hot water demand. If the hot water demand is beyond the capacity of the Primary appliance (80 percent power), a signal is sent to one or more of the Secondary appliances to ignite. A cascading kit must be installed for each Secondary appliance included in the installation and then a cable will need to be run from the last unit back to the main Primary appliance The maximum distance for cascading links between appliances is 36".

The cascading between each unit would then have a cascading cable at the end that would plug back into the master heater to form a "ring".  Units can be cascaded using any combination of the heaters listed above.  Each package of cascading T-links includes 2 - 8' cable's as pictured below:
For all recirculation applications the appliance controlled recirculation cannot be activated simultaneously with cascading. If cascading mode is activated and you activate recirculation, the cascading mode will turn off and vice-versa. 

For further information or to purchase a cascading kit please call Global Protankless Supply at 866-289-4652.